Borletti-Buitoni Trust
Donations and Legacy Giving

Donations and Legacy Giving


BBT hopes to continue supporting talented young musicians and the socially disadvantaged through contact with music, far into the future with our network of support, counsel, enablement and financial assistance. As well as the generosity of our founding patron, we also welcome the goodwill of others who recognise the value of what we do. Any donation or legacy reinforces our work in recognising the importance of nurturing young talent and supporting the wider  community.

To discuss making a donation or leaving a legacy to BBT please contact:
Chief Executive Susan Rivers.

I think in today’s world young musicians need the kind of special help and support the BBT is giving to so many people. For me, it has been a very generous help without which some projects would not have been possible… I have a huge admiration for what BBT have done, are doing, and will do in the future. Their generosity and enthusiasm is greatly needed and appreciated by all.

Alina Ibragimova (BBT Award 2008)

The support of BBT was vital to CLS at a time when our work in communities was increasingly becoming the driving force behind our whole creative outlook. Having such a prestigious supporter of music who valued this work in the same way as we do, and wanted to work with us in partnership, has enabled us to expand our community scope, even during a difficult time for all musicians and the communities they work in.

City of London Sinfonia (BBT Communities 2019)